Simple, Fast, and Hassle-Free Switching.
We understand that switching energy providers can raise a few questions. Here are some of the most common queries to help you make an informed decision.
The switching process typically takes around 17-21 days. We'll keep you informed every step of the way.
No, your energy supply will continue as normal. The switch is seamless, with no downtime or disruption.
No, our service is completely free. We earn a commission from energy suppliers when you switch.
Yes, we offer a range of renewable energy plans so you can choose a more sustainable option.
If you're in a fixed-term contract, you might have to pay an exit fee to switch early. We’ll help you understand your options.
Dont wait for some mircales to save money. Just start today by taking action.
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Enjoy a free, hassle-free service that finds the best energy deals and monitors them for ongoing savings. Let us handle it all for you
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